
The Fractal Approach


Sophisticated attackers know how to stay hidden from current leading defense solutions. Our bot defense DNA was constructed using the knowledge of how the industry's leading bot defenses function, and how bots attack. The tech is easier to implement, works with any protection you already use, and is superior at preventing sophisticated bots from attacking your online presence.


Most bot and fraud web security solutions rely on analyzing internal data and scanning internal systems for threats. They may catch 90%+ of the issues, but attackers only need one missed vulnerability to cause significant damage. Most organizations discover the vulnerabilities bots use months after they first use them. We provide organizations with external data on how bad actors target and attack their online presence required to maintain complete web security visibility and respond instantly to new threats.


The damage from a bot attack increases every day a vulnerability they use is live. Every solution we've developed is built to work with any web and security framework and provide immediate effect to improve your online security.

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