Travel & Hospitality

How do bad actors target travel & hospitality businesses?

Retail and eCommerce businesses have recently become big targets for bad actors due to the variety of redeemable products in their loyalty reward programs.

  • Login: Companies have been looking for ways to retain and grow customer bases, this has made customer accounts a prime target for bad actors.

Credential Stuffing

When bots use customer passwords and login credentials from dataleaks to find accounts

Account Takeover

Bad actors will send credential-stuffing attacks on log-in pages to gain access to user accounts. Extracting the loyalty rewards, and saved payment methods to make unauthorized transactions. These can be redeemed through hotel rooms, flights, gift cards, and physical items.

Effects of automated travel & hospitality threats?

The damage will start to become more noticeable as time goes on, and the bigger target your organization becomes.

  • Brand reputation decreases

  • Customers get frustrated

  • Infrastructure costs increase

Alone these might be manageable, but together they put your organization's brand in serious risk of damage.

How Fractal Security defeats these threats?

Current bot defense solutions haven't changed very much in the last 5 years. Because of this sophisticated attackers have methods to stay hidden and/or bypass all current bot defense solutions. This has put travel & hospitality organizations in serious danger, and the damage is beginning to get noticed.

At Fractal Security we've tracked the exchange of over 1,000,000 breached customer accounts of the most popular travel and hospitality brands over the last 30 days. The value of these accounts purely from a rewards balance is over $20m. This is a massive financial toll that Fractal aims to fix.

Deploying Fractal Bot Defense stops adversaries from performing unsolicited requests on log-in pages. Using proprietary AI-powered Dynamic Obfuscation that creates unique challenges every visit, preventing retooling.

Paired with Fractal Threat Recon, all current and future exploits will be detected and reported to your internal security team. Get real-time data on your customer's account health and the company's security posture.

Last updated