Bot Education

Bot Attackers Explained

  • Bot Developers: The creators of bots, scripts, configs, and API Solvers to bypass protections.

  • Bot "Users": The bad actors that purchase and use these bots to perform malicious actions

  • Fraudsters: The bad actors who purchase customer's accounts, products, or services that bots breached for fraudulent intent.

Bot Defenses Explain

  • Dedicated Bot Defense: Utilizes advanced obfuscation and advanced network analysis to block sophisticated bots. (Ex. Kasada, F5 Bot Defense)

  • Bot Traffic Protection: Blocks traffic coming from malicious or abused IPs. (Ex. Cloudflare, Arkose Labs)

  • Standard Bot Protection: Prompts a challenge to prove if you're human. (Ex. ReCAPTCHA, Datadome)

Why are bots still a problem?

  • Low Visibility: Bad actors are hard to track. Lots of time and effort to stay on top of their methods. Gated communities and marketplaces are hard to get into.

  • Increasing Attack Surfaces: Organizations are building products and services facilitated through the internet. The more they build, the higher chances of vulnerabilities being present.

  • Slow Detection & Response: Organizations can’t keep up with attackers. The average time to detect vulnerabilities attackers use is 4 months. Attackers find new exploits to use in hours.

  • Ineffective Defense Solutions: Sophisticated attackers know how to stay hidden from ALL the world's leading dedicated bot defense solutions.

Why should I care about defending against bots?

Bots are the source of almost every online-based attack or fraud. They cause customers to get their accounts hacked, are the source of illegitimate purchase fraud, take down sites from DDOS, and more.

  • Your Brand

  • Your Customers

  • Your Bottom Line

Why should I add a bot defense solution?

  • Boost your Brand: Reputation is the heart of your business. Business partners trust their engagements with you. You make the news for the right reasons.

  • Protect Customers: Put your users security first. Customers are the lifeblood of your company. No more having to go through annoying customer support channels that are usually slow.

  • Impacts your bottom line: Traffic increases, fraudulent damage, impacts the bottom line. Decrease server, labor, exploitation, and regulatory costs due to web security.

  • Reduce the workload on your team: Threats are constantly evolving. We help your organization understand and adapt to them. We'll manage emerging threats for you, alerting your team with actionable insights only when necessary.

Unsure how your organization is effected by bots?

Receive a report and get access to our platform to see your footprint in bad actor communities for free.

Last updated