Account Takeover

How does Fractal help organizations protect against Account Takeover?

Use bot defense solutions to prevent credential stuffing. Use threat intelligence solutions like threat recon to identify the mentioned vulnerabilities such as 2FA bypasses and credit card security bypasses.

How do they Attack?

Account takeover revolves around a company's login and checkout pages. We've witnessed attackers find unprotected API endpoints that lead to massive credential stuffing attacks, methods to bypass 2FA security, and even methods on checkout pages to bypass credit card CVV security.

Why do bad actors want customer accounts?

Free service use

Subscription services with high costs and high value are often times high in demand by fraudulent users who want access to the benefits without paying for them.

Reward Balances

Loyalty reward programs that offer points that can be redeemed for products are big for customer retention, but also big targets for bad actors who look to spend the rewards for themselves fraudulently.

Unauthorized purchases or withdrawals

Customer accounts give bad actors access card and bank account information allowing them to make fraudulent purchases or account balance withdrawals.

Last updated