Threat Recon

Fractal Threat Recon tracks bot developers, bad actors, and fraudsters across over 1,500 dark web communities, marketplaces, and forums to bring organizations insights into the vulnerabilities & exploits they use to breach security defenses and commit fraud.


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How it works

  1. Gain Awareness: Uncover hidden risks, exposure, exploits, and vulnerabilities to your business's online security health.

  2. Take Action: Assess, remedy, and resolve all vulnerabilities, risks, and exposures to your business's online security health.

  3. Defend: Deploy a Fractal bot defense so future threats are negated.

Key Features

Attacker Tracking

Use insights from over 1,500 bad actor channels, marketplaces, forums, and exchanges.

Threat Alerts

Our monitors are constantly scanning and alerting our team of any new threats or anomolies. On top of this our team scans for emerging threats to keep your organization safe.

Vulrability Analysis

Rapid response by providing actionable insights the techniques of bad actors.

Remedy Assistance

Understand the exact ways bots are targeting your site and the methods used to conduct fraud so your team can quickly patch the vulrability.

Consulting & Auditing

We can also help with any security auditing and/or consulting needs you have to ensure you have the most effective security posture for your needs

Key Benefits

Enchance threat visibilty and understanding

Threat Recon provides organizations with a quick and easy way to see the threats, exposure, and vulnerabilities bad actors use to attack your site.

Improve Incident Response

Identify critical vulnerabilities before you notice the damage. We detect the exploits and vulnerabilities bad actors use 90% faster than the industry average.

Decreased cost of fraud

Significantly improving your organization's time to identifying, analyzing, and patching the vulnerabilities bots and bad actors use will reduce the cost of fraud on your bottom line.


Threat Recon in action:

  • Assisted a prominent streaming company in identifying an exploit that allowed attackers to bypass ReCATPCHA and IP rate limiting that enabled tens of thousands of customer account login credentials to be checked every minute. This exploit had been live for over 6 months.

  • Identified an unprotected login endpoint of a popular retailer that attackers were using to check account credentials. The exploit had been live for over 3 months.

  • Helped an online casino track the customer accounts listed for sale over time to measure the effectiveness of their in-house and vendor bot protection measures.

  • Alerted a restaurant loyalty app that bad actors had started to target their site giving them time to add preventive measures to stop the attack before significant damage was done.

Last updated